Video HD, 2' 30''

On the 13th of November a set of speakers were left in the jungle playing El sistema a text by Eduardo Galeano.
Versión sin subtítulos aquí

"Extermination plan: destroy the grass, pull up every last little living thing by the roots, sprinkle the earth with salt. Afterwards, kill all memory of the grass. To colonise consciences, suppress them; to suppress them, empty them of the past. Wipe out all testimony to the fact that in this land there ever existed anything other than silence, jails, and tombs.
It is forbidden to remember. Prisoners are organise into work gangs. At night they are forced to whitewash the phrases of protest that in other times covered the walls of the city. They steady pelting of rain on the walls begins to dissolve the white paint. And little by little the stubborn words reappear."
Eduardo Galeano

Abubuya International Workshop. Trinidad, Bolivia.
This project was possible thanks to the support of Kiosko Galería & Gasworks and the Triangle network International Fellowships.